Wednesday, December 08, 2010

julian lassange - an aussie hero

all people in a free society have the right to know what their government's doing in their name. anyone who values our freedom of information should thank julian lassange for putting his balls on the line by running his wikileaks website in an attempt to (to paraphrase the original aim of the australian democrats) keep the bastards honest. that populist forces in the US government are so determined to portray him as some sort of terrorist just shows what a good job he is doing. lassange is no terrorist. he's not even a very naughty boy. he's just someone who believes our governments should be held accountable and is actually doing something about it. the way he has been demonised by governments which claim to value freedom is obscene. the 'commitment' of these governments to freedom and truth has been exposed as nothing more than lip service and i'm personally thankful there are people such as assange prepared to risk everything to hold our corrupt governments accountable.