Monday, July 23, 2007

R.I.P. sodastream

yep, i know it's now quite old news that sodastream have called it a day but it's new to me as i've only been back in perth for the past 2 weeks. i've loved the music of sodastream for a long time and was actually at their first gig (supporting gary wiseman for his cassette launch) when they were a 3 piece and their music was still quite reminscent of the wonderful thermos cardy. they've changed a lot over the years but karl's touching and beautiful songwriting has always remained a constant. they were the first band i saw after arriving in london in 2003 and saw them again in january this year which makes them one of the last bands i saw before leaving london. i just hope that karl still finds a way to put his music out there as it will be a huge loss if he doesn't.

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