Monday, September 03, 2007

bush the bully

thank goodness the reign of george bush jnr is coming to an end. i read with disbelief in the paper this morning that he's planning to attack iran and destroy any military capabilities they may have (the australian - 3/9/07). this will be the third unprovoked open attack on another nation during his presidency and further proof that not only is he one of the worst presidents ever to have been in power in the USA but that he's also a warmongering lunatic and, by many definitions, a war criminal.

when iraq invaded and occupied kuwait in the 90's the reaction of the international community was swift and decisive and yet we have a situation where US forces have invaded afghanistan and iraq and are still occupying these countries without any organised consequences. now the plans are to attack iran. the USA is the nelson muntz of the world community who, along with its gang of bullies, picks on anyone who dares to be different or who has more lunch money than they do... and that's nothing to be proud of!

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