Thursday, March 06, 2008

long weekend

wow.. it's already thursday again. it's funny how the weeks just fly by once you've been in a job for more than a few months. it was the long weekend last weekend and really lovely. i managed to catch up with an old school friend on saturday before going out snorkelling near the marmion angling and aquatic club. i took out the camera but there was a swell in so the water was a bit too full of debris to get any good pics. i went in to watch the freo game on saturday night and was suitably disappointed with a pretty poor performance against north melbourne.

sunday arvo i went over to megan's and we put up a basketball hoop for ve.. and then spent time dominating her on the 'court'. after watching a movie it was home in time to catch the end of a programme on abc1 that wasn't as good as it looked in the previews.

on monday i got up relatively early (about 9am) and went back down to the rocky beach to try snorkelling again but the water wasn't any more clear so i headed home, got my gear and walked down to my normal beach for some body surfing.

all in all, a very nice relaxing long weekend!!

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