Wednesday, April 16, 2008

a new low in reality tele

i've had the misfortune to catch the end of 'my kid's a star' for the past couple of weeks whilst waiting for underbelly to come on. this is a seriously disgusting show. forget the fact that the kids are mediocre talents at best.. the parents are not fit to have kids. what sort of parent puts their kid in a show like this. the bit i saw of tonight's show involved the kids busking on the streets while their parents ran around hassling the public for money. the attitude of the parents in the debriefing interviews was despicable. one mother (who looks like a transvestite) talked about how she was accosting families with kids and abusing them when they didn't give her money. what a classy piece of work that one is. i guess with the way reality shows were heading i shouldn't be surprised at this steaming pile of parrot droppings.. but it doesn't mean i've gotta like it.

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