Saturday, April 26, 2008

special k

my how the worm turns. it was only a couple of weeks ago that weagles fans were calling for all sorts of medieval torture to be inflicted on barry hall for snotting staker. now it's daniel 'wayne' kerr's turn to have a 'brain snap', flattening scott west with a headbutt. not only that, but staker's been reported for striking.

i'll be very interested this week to see what slime fans have to say about the ketamine kerr incident. the excuse of retaliation due to being scragged off the ball isn't open to them since they said hall couldn't use it. they called for hall to get 18 weeks (rest of the season) so let's see if they apply the same standard to 'special k' or expose themselves as the hypocrites i suspect them to be.

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