Saturday, January 03, 2009

jb hi-fi innaloo suck

ok, it's time for a whinge. i popped into jb hi-fi on scarborough beach road today to buy a new ipod fm transmitter after my other one got pinched from my car. i selected the one i wanted (which cost $90) and lined up to pay. my first gripe was that even though there were a lot of people lined up, a number of checkouts were closed... no huge problem and quite common in shops these days. what really pissed me off was that i'd been lined up for a while when they decided to just close the checkout i was queued for... with half a dozen people still in the queue!!! i was so disgusted by this extremely poor customer service that rather than join the end of another lengthy queue i put the product down and walked out of the store. i know that losing the sale from one person won't worry them but hopefully others will see this and avoid the place like the plague. it's time to refuse to put up with poor customer service.


Anonymous said...

Hey Dave having worked in specialty retail for many years I can say you did absolutely the RIGHT thing! And I can also assure you that every sale does matter - especially now!

Any manager worth their salt knows that one disappointed customer equals 10 who'll hear about it - (and that was before the advent of blogging!)

Next time (!?), if you have the time, take the product to the store manager and tell them why you won't be buying from them today. If they are smart they will appologise profusely and offer to sell you the product at a discount! If they're not they'll watch you (and your wallet) walk.

dave said...

cheers for the feedback. i ended up buying the product from a store in town and will avoid going back to the innaloo store again.

Unknown said...

Likewise, JB Hifi customer service in castle Hill is also extremely poor. The manager is not very helpful. I tried to talk to the manager if they can replace or repair the faulty laptop (bought 5mos ago) instead they told me to ring the manufacturer. I tried to explain the "Return Policy" - "If you are able to provide a receipt or other satisfactory proof of purchase, JB Hi-Fi may offer you a repair, exchange or refund if:
· Goods are damaged or faulty through no fault of your own
· Goods are supplied incorrectly
· Goods vary from their description on the website (or any sample provided)"
Its quite annoying when the manager doesn't know their company policy!!!