Saturday, January 03, 2009

my thoughts on the present israel/hamas situation

it's not often that i agree with george bush jnr but i believe his comments on the current breakdown of the peace between israel and hamas are spot on. people can throw up all the red herrings they like but the indisputable fact is that hamas chose to breach the peace agreement through their constant rocket attacks on israel and it's their own despicable actions that are directly responsible for israel's retaliation.

i also find the reporting by the western media to be largley inflamatory, irresponsible and blatantly biased against israel. we never hear about the attacks by hamas yet as soon as israel retaliate it becomes front page news which gives people who don't care to follow events the impression that israel's attacks have just come out of the blue. 

the situation in the middle east is horrific and i feel deep sorrow for the innocent civilian victims on both sides but there's no point for international diplomats to now start calling for attacks to stop. these calls should have been made a long time ago when hamas first broke the peace agreement and should have continued with every hamas attack. they've left it far too late with israel now well within their rights to protect their citizens from the scumbags on the other side of the border. i know that if one of our neighbours was constantly launching rocket attacks on australia i'd expect our government to strike back and protect us. to deny israel the same right would be nothing more than hypocritical.


Anonymous said...

Hi Dave,
I think they are both being stupid. Electing Hamas into government was not a good idea, however...

I fail to see how the current Israel action will protect anyone, if they stop short of genocide. It will breed the next generation of militants/suicide bombers and guarantee future finance for the Palestinian militants from Arabs & Muslims.

Peter M

ps. I like Geoff Westlake's comment,
Gaza - waaaay overkill

Israel has a problem: It has spent so long powerless and oppressed, that it knows no other way to hold power than to oppress! it has spent so long being the stranger, that it no longer knows how to welcome strangers into their land. So long living in fear, that it cannot trust.

As “people of God,” they must press back into God and rediscover the way to break the cycle of violence. How to show hospitality to strangers, how to become a light once again to the nations.

Anonymous said...

I don't have the answers tho the above is surely food for thought, but yes if someone bombed us my first inclination would be to bomb back. And then I'd have to rethink that for a few which point Sydney would prob be minus an Opera House. This is why I am not in govt. But on the topic of the reporting I wholeheartedly agree with Dave. I've spent MUCH time watching CNN in hotel rooms the last few weeks and it was a disgrace. The reporters CLEARLY antagonised and refuted Isreals reps before they even had a chance to explain the situation in interview. And this was not one isolated case. The reporting has been completely biased, popularist, uninformed. I am so tired of the world viewing the world through our media while we all miss the facts and often the point.

Happy New Year tho! xkt

dave said...

hey munners.. i take what you say and do agree to a point. history teaches that using force against the downtrodden only serves to create a bitter and activated enemy. the problem for israel, as i see it, is that they've avoided fighting back for a long time and the attacks from hamas have shown no sign of abating. i don't pretend to know the solution to the issues and am thankful i'm not in a position to have to deal with it.