Thursday, November 22, 2007

politics.. finally

i've avoided making many comments on politics in the lead up to the election but this massive liberal scandal can't go uncommented on. i'd already made up my mind prior to the breaking of the news regarding the latest liberal devious trick but this has really confirmed that voting for labor is the right move to make. the libs are now showing their true colours as they go down swinging low blows. the continual attempts to play the union card were bad enough but to now try and play the race card (yet again..) is completely contemptible. this current government is rotten to its core and it is time we got rid of them.

one thing that has annoyed me from both major parties is the lack of advertising that informs the electorate of their own policies. instead, pretty much all of the advertising is aimed at denigrating the opposition and trying to scare the electorate. surely it's time the major parties started treating the electorate with a bit of respect.


Gareth Williams said...

Being in Vietnam meant I missed most of the election stuff which was SO nice.

I was thinking this morning that a candidate who said, "my opposing candidate is a good person and has done a good job, but I think I can do better. And here's how..."

I'm sure someone who did that would get a ton of votes.

Mark Edwards said...

Dave, I agree that the libs have waged a far more negative campaign that anyone else.

Gareth, it would be nice to think that...but I think this election has been a clear demonstration of how style has got the vast majority of any media attention, over any substance, and that is particularly true of Rudds campaign.